Monday, March 16, 2009

ICC Corresponsance Paul Martin 16 Mon Mar 2009

Wrote to Paul Martin former Prime Minister for comments and support on an ICC for environmental crimes against humanity

Office of the Right HonourablePaul Martin, P.C.
P.O. Box 2038
Stn Place d'Armes
Montreal, Quebec
H2Y 3L9

Good Day Right Honourable Paul Martin P.C.

Global ecological accounting fraud and environmental crimes against life on our planet

We have an international criminal court for war crimes do we need one for environmental crimes against humanity and the ability of our planet to sustain life.

I am writing to make you aware of an initiative that I have begun to create an International Criminal Court to prosecute political and corporate leaders and their follower for environmental crimes against humanity. Deceit, fraudulent science and an economic accounting system that ignores the impact on human mental and physical health, and our environment has been used to sabotage the implementation and enforcement of policies that would prevent catastrophic altering and destruction of the life sustaining ability of our planet.

During your time in government you managed to get Canada on a more stable fiscal path. Which is paying dividends with the world having witnessed the deceit by which the financial sectors will operate without adequate regulation and enforcement. Deceit might be a strong opening position but if I had managed you financial portfolio using the same values, I believe you would not be using the term misbehaving as some US politicians are using to describe the acts committed by the leadership of the financial institutions.

Unfortunately what is described as risky financial investments are not the only criminal acts that politicians are failing to regulate. Our planet’s climate is being destabilized by a political economic philosophy that result in politicians sanctioning corporate manufactured epidemics of illness and death. Corporate tobacco filled our cemeteries, as is the sugar and trans fats contaminated food industry. The birth ration between males and females is being skewered because of chemicals where the scientific requirement that they be evaluated was dismissed as unnecessary or sabotaged.
Trust has again been shattered that our political leaders are using a competent values system. The raising of consciousness has many motivators and painful disappointment is one of them as is the horror of the consequences.

How do you feel about the societal and ecological impact of the value system you used while in government?

The following correspondence/ e mail was sent to Stephen Harper, the Primer Minister of Canada, Ban Ki –Moon the UN Secretary General, Barrack Obama, the president of the United States, Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Britain and a host of other leaders, calling on their assistance to create an International Criminal Court for environmental crime against humanity and the life we share and rely on to survive on this planet.

I know you have undertaken to assist those in our aboriginal community to get on a path of economic prosperity. I hope you realize that if we fail to get on a more sustainable path our collective future is tragically impearled. I would appreciate your perspective and assistance on this challenging endeavour.

Best wishes,

Gordon G. Chamberlain
BA Env Studies Trent University (2006)
Apt 605 268 Poplar Plains Rd
Toronto ON M4V 2P2
Home 416 619 5426
Cell 416 844 6285

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