Friday, October 2, 2009

Federal Environment Committee Bill C-311

I am writing to ask you to support the swift passage of Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act.

Bill C-311 would ensure that Canada does its fair share to prevent dangerous climate change. It would set national greenhouse gas emission targets, following recommendations from the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Canadians want our country to play a leadership role when nations gather in Copenhagen in December to finalize a global climate treaty that will apply after 2012. We need to take action to prevent the dangerous impacts of climate change – droughts, famines, water shortages, devastating hurricanes and mass extinctions of many of the world’s plant and animal species.

I am asking that all parties work together to pass the Climate Change Accountability Act as soon as possible. For the sake of the environment and future generations, we need to take action now.

I consider the destabilisation of our planets climate to be a global environmental crime against nature upon which humanity relies upon to survive. Political and business leaders once considered slavery a good business model. Today there are political and business leaders who are using what will increasingly be seen as criminal negligence in addressing the impact global climate destabilisation will have to others and our planet. There is an international criminal court for crimes against humanity. One day the mandate of that court will be expanded to include environmental crimes against humanity. Your assistance is sought to ensure the corporate agenda of destroying our planet does not go with out punishment.


Gordon Chamberlain

US Chamber of Commerce trying to sabotage US climate policy

Wrote to
Thomas L Friedman reported that the chairman of Pacific Gas and Electric, Peter Darbee, announced that his huge California power company was quitting the chamber because of its “obstructionist tactics.” When will those who are conspiring to use obstruction, fraudulent science and criminal acts to sabotage efforts to deal with climate change be investigated for what must increasingly be seen as the destabilisation of our planets climate, an environmental crimes against humanity? Corporate financial accounting fraud wrecked the worlds economy. Corporate ecological accounting fraud is wrecking our planet and it's climate with out criminal prosecution, so far.